Sunday, November 16, 2008

17/11/08- Paint Buckets


Your eyes, like gateways. As if peaking into a million skies. Each one so beautiful, yet so painful to stare into. You told me it was all okay, I shouldn’t have listened to you. Now I am solitary, alone in the clouds.


The lake was so clear, yet so green. It washed away my worries, my curiosity. My little booklets reminded me of what you had done, why I should never forgive you. But I still seem to forget, even though I have permanent proof. But you thought scars were beautiful, for nothing is perfect, and they were different.


The truth was like staring into the sun, painful and hard to see. The yellow blares into your eyes and blinds you even more. It’s hard seeing the truth, when you are too blind to see. So we tend to not stare into the truth, our eyes move around it.


You wore an amethyst necklace; you told me it brings power. You gave it to me and said to never take it off, the only powerful thing in my life is the sorrow, it overpowers me, I am useless. Without you I fall, necklace and all.


If I was anyone else, I wouldn’t be here anymore. If I was any weaker than I already am, blood would no longer be a part of me, but would lie beside me. I already lost you, how would the loss of blood make any difference? Just another stain, another scar to remember you by.

My feelings are like paint buckets,
I wish to be one colour.
I only want one thing in life,
for you to never suffer.

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