After a nice and hot shower to end off a day was such a nice thing to do , to relieve all the stress putted onto the body and to clean off all the sweat for the day . |well , not as if i only shower once per day . eee . |
Just return from a badminton game with my friends . It was a good match and i did learn a lot of skills from them . They were good players and good teachers as well . Playing with them really do benefit me a lot . Haha |Even though i got Owned by them easily , their move was flawless and quick |
Well , i will blog about my today's event .
Morning , i woke up at around 8am , slack on my bed till 9am . Got changed and head to school for tuition . Actually , on my mind , i was wanting to study , but when i reach there , i would play badminton . But nonetheless , i will study study for a few hours b4 heading home or prehaps finishing few school papers .
And here comes the fun part , i went out for dinner with my friends . I ate a steamboat Fish set , it was pretty cheap too . As the saying goes | In Life , u Pay for what u get | but , this store gave u more then what u should get . The store is located at hougang Mall kopitam . Back then , it was really cold and when i finish eating , out of a sudden ,i felt that i had finally left North Pole =p |Phew*Freezing*Solidfication*|
We then head to play badminton after a heavy meal . |we can skip the playing part |
We then chat , one of my friend , studying in a All BOY school was soo despo to get out of that sch . He had his life all studying under a NO GIRL School. Such a mountain turtle , as well as his parents , from what i heard . His parents refused to send him to a mixed school as they afraid that he will turn bad , turn bad in the sense that not rot but rather learn the bad ways . But basically , i think that if a child wants to turn bad really do depend on himself or herself . Right?
Well , to mark off today , i will burn some midnight oil =D|Sorry for any Mistake made on my blog|
To a Single person - I am Sorry